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How To Install Openoffice In Kali Linux

Install Apache OpenOffice in LinuxUpdate: OpenOffice 4.1.2 Improvements/Enhancements. Performance improvement for faster startup. 38 supported languages. Number of enhancements were added to the WebDAV management and file locking. Bug fixes in Writer, Calc, Impress/Draw, Base. The PDF export dialog was revamped for better usability on small laptop screens. Fixed several security vulnerabilities.The complete list of features can be found at.

Requirements for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2. JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.5.

How To Install Openoffice Linux

Kernel 2.6 or higher and glibc2 2.11 or higher. Minimum 256MB and recommended 512MB RAM. Disk space 400MBInstall Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 on LinuxThe following installation instructions shows you how to install Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 using language US English on a 32-Bit and 64-bit Linux distributions.For 64-Bit platforms, there will be a minor changes in directory names, but the installation instructions same for both the architectures. Step 1: Installing Java JREAs I said above, you must have a JRE version (32-bit or 64-bit) installed on your systems, if not install the latest Java JRE version using following article.Else, you can follow below instructions to install most recent version of Java JRE on Linux distributions such a Debian and RedHat based. On Debian and its derivatives $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre. Install Java JDK on CentOSOnce Java installed, you can verify the version using following command. $ java -versionopenjdk version '1.8.066-internal'OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.066-internal-b01)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b01, mixed mode)Step 2: Downloading Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2Download OpenOffice 4.1.2 using Wget command based on your system bit.

Commonly known as OpenOffice.org, OOo or OpenOffice, is an open-source office productivity software suite whose main components are for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, and databases. OpenOffice is available for a number of different computer operating systems, is distributed as free software and is written using its own GUI toolkit. It supports the ISO/IEC standard OpenDocument Format (ODF) for data interchange as its default file format, as well as Microsoft Office formats among others. As of June 2011, OpenOffice.org supports over 120 languages.


As free software, users are free to download, modify, use and distribute OpenOffice.org. Platforms supported by OO.o include Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD, OpenVMS, OS/2 and IRIX. The current primary development platforms are Microsoft Windows, Linux and Solaris.On 28 September 2010, key members of the OpenOffice.org Project formed a new group called The Document Foundation, and made available a rebranded fork of OpenOffice.org, provisionally named. The Foundation stated that it will coordinate and oversee the development of LibreOffice.


Kali Linux How To Install

Due to the requirement of fully open sourced office suite, it has been dropped from the major Linux distribution and it is replaced by LibreOffice; still you can install manually by downloading it on your computer. Here is the small guide for installing OpenOffice on /.Note:Before installing OpenOffice 4 you must remove the LibreOffice (if you have it already installed).Open Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T). Sudo apt-get remove libreoffice.Download Apache OpenOffice 4.### 32 bit ### wget 64 bit ### wget the downloaded file.### 32 bit ### tar -zxvf ApacheOpenOffice4.0.1Linuxx86install-deben-US.tar.gz### 64 bit ### tar -zxvf ApacheOpenOffice4.0.1Linuxx86-64install-deben-US.tar.gzInstall Apache OpenOffice 4. Sudo dpkg -i en-US/DEBS/.debInstall menu integration.

Sudo dpkg -i en-US/DEBS/desktop-integration/.debStart OpenOffice.org.